Monday, January 21, 2008

Love Bombs

The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be...Martin Luther King Jr.

These days when the word extremist is used we tend to think of specific images associated with destruction, hatred and bigotry. But wouldn't it be great if when the word extremist is used we would think of extreme acts of love, peace, reconciliation and life instead of things related to violence and death?

This is a photo that we took last fall while we were back in Minneapolis for Matt's sister's wedding. If you really think about it dropping bombs changes lives but what an incredible idea to change lives through love. It isn't a new idea but one that continues to be difficult to actually execute in everyday interactions with people. We can only hope and pray that we will all be extremists who fight for justice and peace and who struggle to show acts of kindness to all. Dropping love bombs throughout our lives!

What kind of extremist are you?

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