Tuesday, November 04, 2008

21 Days!

It's been almost one month since we last posted. Part of the reason for this is we lost our internet connection twice for a period of time. Mostly, though, it's because we had our first child--a son--three weeks ago today, and our time to blog has been fleeting. And, even if the time had been available, we really haven't spent much time outside the house talking to people or doing anything interesting. As a result, there hasn't been a lot to say anyway. For now, here are some highlights from his first 21 days.

A few hospital shots.

Everyone is a little tired these days.

Hanging out with some stuffed animals, and one real one.


abu 'n um tulip said...

Yeah, pictures. We're so happy for you. And we finally started a blog of our own. Blessings!

Bob said...

He's a beautiful baby. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

what a cute baby, congrats!